Accessibility statement

The Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE) strives to make its website accessible, in accordance with the law of 19 July 2018 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public authorities.

This accessibility declaration applies to

Level of compliance

This website is in partial compliance due to the non-conformite.

Preparing your return

An internal accessibility audit was conducted. This audit consisted of a simplified analysis.

Content not accessible

The layout of the website does not guarantee a sufficient contract between the text and the background.

Proposed alternatives

Support is available by email kce_webmaster[at]

Contact details

If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of our website/application, you can contact:kce_webmaster[at]

In the event of a complaint about the services of the Federal Centre of Expertise in Health Care (KCE)?

Please complete the online form:

Not satisfied with our internal services' response?

You can then contact the Federal Ombudsman:

Improvement Plan

Steps are being taken to improve the focus on the pages of our website.

An analysis is underway to improve the contrast of the pages of this website.

This statement was prepared on 24/10/2019.

The last review of the declaration took place on 22/09/2023

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